
Your Weekend WikiLeaks News Roundup

886811112e4f40bb74c71460f49c8c">a new base, but a distributed effort has already produced 355 mirror sites and counting.

2. PayPal, moving yet further from its founding vision, has stopped handling donations to WikiLeaks, which in turn is promoting other conduits for fans who'd like to help support it.

3. Politicians continue to grandstand against the site, with Sen. Mitch McConnell calling WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange "a high-tech terrorist." The Huffington Post reports that "a State Department official warned students at Columbia University's School of International and Public Affairs" that anyone "who will be applying for jobs in the federal government could jeopardize their prospects by posting links to WikiLeaks online, or even by discussing the leaked documents on social networking sites."

4. Interesting stories continue to emerge from the leaked cables themselves, including the U.S. role in shaping Spanish copyright law, the spark that set off China's war on Google, and the dark side of global climate negotiations.

5. Marvel Team-Up of the year: WikiLeaks and Anonymous.

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