
Vital Signs: Childhood: A Caffeine Buzz From Soft Drinks

milligrams — about the same amount as cup of drip coffee.

Caffeine is a diuretic, and the study was designed to see whether the consumption was associated with bed-wetting. It was not — children who drank caffeine were no more likely to be bed-wetters than those who did not.

Sleep was another matter. Average sleep times for the caffeine drinkers were slightly less than the amount recommended for these ages by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

The authors emphasized that the study (published online Dec. 16 in The Journal of Pediatrics) did not prove that caffeine consumption caused sleep problems, and they acknowledged that the data were subject to recall and reporting bias.

Still, the lead author, William J. Warzak, a professor psychology at the University of Nebraska, says that children certainly do not need caffeine, and avoiding it is a good idea.

“But,” he added, “you’re not a terrible parent if a kid has a Coke away from home.”

View the original article here

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