
Washington area business events for the week beginning Dec. 6

a.m. to 12:30 p.m., American Bar Association Building, 740 15th St. NW, 3rd floor, Washington. Sponsor: Service Corps of Retired Executives. Cost: $40. Contact: 202-272-0390. Web site: http://www.scoredc.org/.

Branding 101: Create Your Own Personal Brand. Discover the personal branding principles that are essential to excelling. 6:30 to 8:30 p.m., 1726 20th St. NW, Washington. Sponsor: First Class Lifelong Learning Center. Cost: $39. Contact: 202-797-5102. Web site: www.takeaclass.org.


Social Networking for Business. Workshop covers social media as a marketing tactic and its applicability in your marketing plan. 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., American Bar Association Building, 740 15th St. NW, 3rd floor, Washington. Sponsor: Service Corps of Retired Executives. Cost: $40. Contact: 202-272-0390. Web site: www.scoredc.org.

Start Your Business. Participants will be led through the essential steps for starting a small business. 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., Comfort Suites, 80 Prosperity Ave., Leesburg. Sponsor: Loudoun Small Business Development Center. Cost: Preregistered, $10; At door, $15. Contact: Cathy Campbell, 703-430-7222. Web site: www.loudounsbdc.org.


Interviewing for Success. Learn about different types of interviews, how to prepare and follow-up strategies. 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., Kensington Park Library, 4201 Knowles Ave., Kensington. Sponsor: Montgomery County Public Libraries, Montgomery County Commission for Women, Counseling and Career Center. Web site: www.montgomerycountymd.gov/library.


How to Start a Business. Workshop covers legal forms of business organization, marketing on a small budget and types of loans. 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m., American Bar Association Building, 740 15th St. NW, 3rd floor, Washington. Sponsor: Service Corps of Retired Executives. Cost: $60. Contact: 202-272-0390. Web site: www.scoredc.org.

Starting a Business in Arlington. Seminar teaches you how to get a business license, a certificate of occupancy and state registration. 6 to 8:30 p.m., Arlington Central Library, 1015 N. Quincy St., Arlington. Sponsor: Arlington Economic Development and Arlington County Public Library. Contact: Tara Palacios, tpalacios@arlingtonva.us or 703-228-0853. Web site: www.arlingtonvirginiausa.com/bizlaunch.

All A-Twitter: Get Savvy about Linkedin, Facebook and More. Seminar will explain how social media have empowered small-business marketing and how these online platforms are used to expand business. 6 to 8:30 p.m., George Washington University Virginia Science & Technology Campus, Exploration Hall, Room 101, 20101 Academic Way, Ashburn. Sponsor: Loudoun Small Business Development Center. Cost: Preregistered, $25; at door, $30. Contact: Cathy Campbell, 703-430-7222. Web site: www.loudounsbdc.org.


Prepare Winning Federal Proposals. Workshop discusses how to respond to federal government requests for proposals. 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., American Bar Association Building, 740 15th St. NW, 3rd floor, Washington. Sponsor: Service Corps of Retired Executives. Cost: $40. Contact: 202-272-0390. Web site: www.scoredc.org.

Send potential listings to facetime@washpost.com at least two weeks in advance. Model your entry on the information above, and put the event date in the subject line.

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