
iPhone apps for a very zombie Christmas

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'Tis the season to put the smackdown on everybody's favorite brain-munching undead horde: zombies. Of course, now that AMC's incredible "The Walking Dead" has ended its first season, you'll need something to tide you over until the flesh-eaters rise again. Look no further than these three new iOS games:

Dead Rising Mobile looks like a PlayStation 1 reject, but it offers satisfying gameplay and unique social-network integration. Dead Rising Mobile looks like a PlayStation 1 reject, but it offers satisfying gameplay and unique social-network integration.

(Credit: Capcom)

Dead Rising Mobile It's the classic story: man travels to small town, discovers it's been overrun by zombies, and holes up in the local mall--where said zombies arrive in wave after wave. Dead Rising Mobile ($4.99) won't win any beauty contests, but it offers a few cool twists. For one thing, you can pick up anything (frying pan, golf club, park bench) and use it as a weapon. Plus, it integrates with Facebook and Twitter to notify friends when you bite the dust--and lets them "revive" you. You can even appear as a "named zombie" in their version of the game.

Zombies Ala Mode  Nothing tops off a feast of brains like a nice ice-cream cone. In the comedic, cartoony Zombies Ala Mode, you're the soda jerk charged with serving the undead, which means catching falling scoops in the right flavors and amounts. The game is fairly simplistic--something kids will probably enjoy more than adults--but it's a fun little diversion and completely gore-free. (How many other zombie games can say that?) It's currently on sale for $1.99.

ZombieSmash HD  A longtime favorite for the iPhone and iPod, the castle defense-inspired ZombieSmash is finally available in HD form for the iPad. (Actually, not just yet: it's due for release on Dec. 16.) The update makes good use of the iPad's bigger screen, offering more zombie hordes and support for multitouch (for extra zombie-flinging goodness). Don't know the price just yet, but as long as it's under $5, it'll be worth it.

If these titles don't satisfy your zombie-whompin' cravings, be sure to check out 5 iPhone games for zombie lovers (and haters) and Braaaains: 5 more iPhone games for zombie lovers/haters.

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Rick Broida, a technology writer for more than 20 years, is the author of more than a dozen books. In addition to writing CNET's The Cheapskate blog, he oversees BNET's Business Hacks. Rick is a member of the CNET Blog Network and is not an employee of CBS Interactive. Deals found on The Cheapskate are subject to availability, expiration, and other terms determined by sellers.

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