
An Evil Downside of Better Mobile Devices: More to Carry and Choose

5, which fits in a pocket. So now I have yet another device to either carry or choose from, not just because of functionality, but because of form, weight and other factors.

Amid continuing advances in technology, one theorem still holds true for mobile devices: every single one of them is a product of compromise. Want your laptop to run longer? That can be done but you’ll either have to give up processing power or be stuck carrying an extended battery. Gotta have your latest videos filmed in 1080p? You’re not doing that on a smartphone yet, so you’ll need to tote a separate camera.

Devices are getting better and everything is moving away from the desktop as consumers want to enjoy apps and services on the go. But for some reason, I feel like all of the improvements in mobiles are just weighing me down. Put another way: my mobile needs used to be met with a laptop and a phone. Now my hardware stack is getting so big, that I can’t carry it all. Am I alone in the quest for the perfect set of just a few gadgets that can really everything I need?

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